Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Full Moon

Last night on my way home from work around 9:00pm I was on I-96going towards Holland. I looked out the drivers side window to see the city of Grand Rapids all lit up with a beautiful full moon over the city. I wish I could have stopped to take a picture because it was an amazing site to see.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

First quarter moon

It is 11:23 and I just walked outside to see how the stars were looking tonight and I noticed a beautiful first quarter moon. The moon was in the south west at an altitude of about 70 degrees. The sky was very clear tonight so I also saw a great deal of constellations. It was a beautiful night to star gaze now it just needs to warm up!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Waxing Crescent Moon

Tonight I was leaving the library around 8:30pm on the Allendale campus and I saw a waxing crescent moon in the south west at an altitude of about 60 degrees. It was very beautiful! :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


While I was in Florida I saw a lot of great things in the sky. While I was there I saw various constellations. I also saw Mars. I went with Stephanie and we were showing off our astronomy skills, it was a lot of fun! Mars was beautiful. It had an orange red glow around it. It was really cool to see and show the people we were with as well

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Beautiful moons!

On monday night (March 1st) I looked out my window before I went to bed and saw a beautiful full moon. I was in at home in Rockford and I wasn't able to get the azimuth or altitude. It was kind of hard to tell what the altitue was looking out of my bedroom window but if I had to guess I would say it was about 45-50 degrees.

Last night I was coming home from work and noticed the moon again lighting up the sky. This moon was not full however it was a waning gibbous with the left side of the moon lit up. I arrived home around 12:30am and the moon was at an azimuth of about 130 degrees and an altitude of 50 degrees.

The moon on both of these nights was very beautiful. I am headed off to Florida on Saturday and I plan on doing some skywatching and making some posts while I am there.