Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Beautiful moons!

On monday night (March 1st) I looked out my window before I went to bed and saw a beautiful full moon. I was in at home in Rockford and I wasn't able to get the azimuth or altitude. It was kind of hard to tell what the altitue was looking out of my bedroom window but if I had to guess I would say it was about 45-50 degrees.

Last night I was coming home from work and noticed the moon again lighting up the sky. This moon was not full however it was a waning gibbous with the left side of the moon lit up. I arrived home around 12:30am and the moon was at an azimuth of about 130 degrees and an altitude of 50 degrees.

The moon on both of these nights was very beautiful. I am headed off to Florida on Saturday and I plan on doing some skywatching and making some posts while I am there.

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